

Inside the Walls

Broadway’s ministry impacts over one thousand people inside the walls of the church each Sunday. This is no small task; it takes over three hundred volunteers giving of their time and talent every week. Volunteers operate cameras, serve coffee, visit nursing homes, prepare Kids Zone snack, and the list goes on. You can take a Spiritual Gifts Assessment to help you identify your unique abilities and help Broadway connect you to a matching volunteer opportunity.

Special Events

During Sunday Morning Worship

One hour per month can make a huge impact on the future of our church. All materials are prepared for you  – just show up and show the love of Christ.

Sign Up to Serve Here

We have a group of folks that pray each week for the needs of our people. We also have opportunities to serve during or after our services. For more info about our prayer teams, contact your Discipleship Pastors, Joe Patterson or Cindy Hughes.

Do you love worship, appreciate technology, and want to serve once a month with our tech team? We have several positions available and will train! Contact Joel Christian for more info.

Come sing with our Church Choir family to connect with new friends and new music! No training or commitment required. Contact Ellen Murrey Lockhart for more info on the Sanctuary Choir or Martha Christian for the Praise Choir in the MAC.

 Usher in the light of Christ into worship at our 8:15 or 11am service. This is a wonderful opportunity for families and children, but all are welcome.

Click here to sign up

We are starting a new season of handbells! This year, we will have two groups: one group for beginning and intermediate players and one group for advanced players! Rehearsals will be on Sunday afternoons at 4 and 5 pm.

Ongoing Serving Opportunities

Each week we need help setting up the chairs for Sunday morning services typically on Thursday mornings at 10am.

We also have a need for setting up the MAC immediately following the 9:30 service with tables and chairs for youth.

Sign Up Here

Be the first people to encounter our attendees. Welcome them to worship and assist as needed with directing people.

Sign Up Here

You can help support our Youth Small Groups by stacking chairs, coordinating and cooking a meal, signing up to set up and serve on a Sunday night, or financially sponsor a meal.

Sign up here

Donating to the WKU Pantry is a great way to support students on the margin at WKU. There is a complete list of recurring needs HERE and posted on each of the donation boxes located in the Office Entrance and Welcome Center.

Keep a screenshot of the list on your phone to keep handy on your next trip to the grocery store. If each of us purchased a few extra food items each month, it would go a long to way address the food insecurity experienced by WKU’s most vulnerable students.  Collection Bins are located in the Melrose Campus Office Entrance (Door A) and Welcome Center (Doors B & C). Drop-offs are made the Monday after Collection Sundays (1st & 3rd Sundays).



Outside the Walls

Outside the walls captures the countless ways we serve God in our community and world. Broadway has continued to seek out strategic partnerships—places where God is already at work and we can join in.

Eat lunch once a week with a student from TC Cherry or Cumberland Trace. Once you sign up, we’ll email you information and ask you to fill out a background check. Then you’ll attend a short training and be matched with a student who just needs some support and encouragement. Your ONLY task is to show the love of Christ in prayers, presence, and faithfulness to keep showing up.

Sign up here

Help the Housing Authority of Bowling Green assemble and distribute food boxes to its senior residents. Drop in and join us to help anytime on the last Wednesday of each month from 10-12pm.
Housing Authority of BG Community Center
515 Coombs St.
Bowling Green, KY 42101

Saturday Meals partners with churches in our community to provide meals for over 200 seniors and shut-ins each month. Aside from Broadway designated Saturdays throughout the year, Saturday Meals has requested volunteers from all participating churches to help on Saturdays that fall during a holiday. This is a great way to minister to those who are not able to spend holidays with loved ones and also suffer from food insecurity.
Upcoming Dates:
Key Details:
Location: First Baptist Church Kitchen, 621 E. 12th Ave. (park in small Chestnut St. lot)
Prep: 7-9:30am
Delivery: 8:15-10am
Sign up HERE to pick-up a Panera donation or assemble/deliver meals.
Donate HERE Memo: Saturday Meals

Each second Saturday of the month, The Foundry hosts a fun, community event for kids and their families.



Broadway Away Missions

BAM supports the work of BUMC missionaries Justin & Ashley Guest and their ministry at The Center in Stockton, CA.

Seth Alexander, Broadway Team Leader
Phone: (270) 799-5011
E-mail Seth Alexander
Learn more about Justin and Ashley Guest


Each year season, Broadway provides a Christmas Store for under-resourced parents to come “shop” for their kids at minimal cost from a selection of needed clothing items.

Lynne Croxton, chair

Phone: (270) 843-3942


Loucon is a place where the staff strives to remove obstacles to grace so that campers and guests may fully experience all that God has in store for them with a focus on sharing the love and the message of Jesus.

Eric Van Meter, Director
Phone: (270) 242-7160
E-mail Eric Van Meter
Learn more about Camp Loucon

Camper Story Video


Broadway United Methodist’s Foster/Adoption Village is a resource for all of those in the community before, during and after the foster and/or adoption journey.

Chelsea Kickert & Marilee Forrest, Co-Chairs
Phone: (270) 843-3942
E-mail FAV
Learn more about FAV

Cook Family Adoption Story

The Foundry Christian Community Center

The Foundry develops leaders among the children and young people of the West End of Bowling Green through education, health and fitness, and spiritual development.


Shawna Woods, Executive Director
Phone: (270) 935-5290
Learn more about The Foundry


As a faith-based non-profit, HOTEL INC provides Warren County citizens with pathways to stable housing, community resources, building relationships, quality food, and serving our neighbors.

Karen Foley, Director
Phone: (270) 782-1263
E-mail Karen Foley
Learn more about HOTEL INC

Transitional Housing Initiative Video
Staff Story Video


Over 200 volunteers come together bi-annually to host a high-quality consignment sale of maternity and children’s items.  100% of profits are donated to local charities supporting women and children.

Cally Stuart & Melissa LaFleur, co-chairs
Phone: (270) 843-3942
E-mail Lil Angels Attic
Learn more about Lil Angels Attic

KY United Methodist Children’s Homes

Since 1871, Kentucky United Methodist Children’s Homes has been providing for the physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs of children and families in Kentucky.

Rev. Julie Hager Love, President/CEO
Phone: (270) 683-6481
E-mail KYUMH
Learn more about KYUMH


Part of the Housing Authority of Bowling Green, Megan’s Mobile Grocery is a grocery on wheels for impoverished areas so families can purchase the necessary staples at an affordable price.

Katie Miller
Phone: (270) 393-1099
E-mail Katie Miller
Learn More


School Partnerships

Broadway partners with two local elementary schools – T.C. Cherry and Cumberland Trace – to provide mentors, special event support, school supplies, and teacher appreciation.

Jennifer Shoemake, TC Cherry Elementary
Rebecca Perez, Cumberland Trace Elementary


The WKU Wesley exists to extend God’s Grace to all people and into all places at Western Kentucky University in order to make disciples who make disciples for the transformation of the world.

Landon Harting, Director
Phone: (270) 842-2880
E-mail WKU Wesley Foundation
Learn More

Importance of College Ministry
WKU Wesley Student Story